Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Engineers - 'Three Fact Finder'

Label: Kscope

Two years in the making, ‘Three Fact Finder’ immediately introduces a mild mix of electronica and guitar not unlike co-producer Ken Thomas’s work with M83. While the electro fling proves to be sadly temporary, ‘International Dirge’ and ‘Helped By Science’ establish the core sound of the album, which is one more awash with harmonised vocals and lush guitars than anything else. On ‘Hang Your Head’ the band’s ‘shoegaze’ impulses reach their summit. While the album could have been doing with more of its impressive electronic strokes, it is a fine foray into what must surely be the last genre left for a spot of revisionism.


Download: ‘Clean Coloured Wire’, ‘Helped By Science’, ‘Hang Your Head’.

For Fans of: My Bloody Valentine, Ride, M83.

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