Thursday, December 06, 2007

She's All Over The Front Page

So Cerys Matthews has fallen from grace, has she? Well that's what we've been informed after her fawning over some already attached former soap-actor in this year's 'I'm a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here'. Critics and pop-pundits believe that this once fiesty independently thinking former front-woman of Welsh group Catatonia would never have behaved in such a way ten years ago. Back then she fronted one of the biggest bands of the country and shunned such shallow notions of celebrity, or so they say? This couldn't be the same Cerys that I recall.

The reality is that Cerys Matthews was always part of the shallow set she, for some absurd reason, is often depicted as being credibly removed from. Catatonia jumped on the back of the British fascination for Welsh bands like the Manic Street Preachers, Stereophonics and Super Furry Animals ten years ago. Cerys broadened her accent when singing. She praised the Lord that she was Welsh. She got drunk. Fell out of the Met Bar. Dueted with Tom Jones. Got drunk. Fell out of the Met. She did nothing but create a brand that kept her in the papers for 12 months (are you listening Beth?) and was every bit the media whore back then too, so lets cut the crap!
Catatonia were an average band; one of the many we've had to put with for the past ten years, who run out of steam after a year in the spotlight. I've never been interested in Cerys, especially after she murdered The Handsome Family's 'Weightless Again', and I'm even less interested now.

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