Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Endless Art 2006

You may remember the A-House track ‘Endless Art’ from their 1991 album I Am The Greatest. It was one of the many ‘talkie’ tracks that the band did and opened with frontman Dave Couse saying, “All art is quite useless according to Oscar Wilde.” He then proceeded to list a series of names that contradicted such a theory - Jackson Pollock, Hemmingway, Orwell, Hendrix etc. The one thing that linked them all was that they were “all dead yet still alive in endless time, endless art.”

After realising that the list consisted of men only, they duly recorded a version consisting of a list of women - Anne Frank, Mary Shelley, Sylvia Plath etc.

Now almost 15 years since the first version, Dave Couse has recorded a new version taking into account a list of legends (both male and female) that have departed from us since the first version was recorded. It takes in the likes of Brando, Strummer, Cobain, Buckley, Tupac, Ella Fitzgerald, Nina Simone, Kirsty MacColl and loads more.

Here’s a live take of the new version. It just cuts before the end. If you want to hear the new studio version it is on Dave Couse's myspace page www.myspace.com/davecouse. I really love what they've done with it - totally different from the original recording.

So who will be added to a forth version in 15 years time? Well there’s one that I know of already – Robert Altman 1925 to 2006 RIP! Hopefully it’ll not be you or me…..yet!

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